How to Lose Fat By Accident (Part 2)...

For those of you who are tuning in, and wondering what was it I discovered in my last write-up, it was a book. [YAWN] But wait! Ordinarily, I would not buy it. Just another one of those stupid how-to-eat-right books. I had made up my mind that nothing worked for me as far as fat reduction is concerned, remember? (Well, maybe liposuction will.) This one was different. It was CHEAP. I am guessing that it would probably cost US$ 19.90, AT LEAST, under normal circumstances. This one was offered at US$ 5.30! Still, it did not entice me to make a purchase. But it did make me curious. How can such a book can be offered so cheaply, even if it was on a sale? So, I flipped through it. Page 1 - 10: yeah, those rubbish again. Page 11 - 20: yeah, more of those rubbish. What caught me was, the layout of the book. (Book writers, take note.) The font and line spacing was pleasingly easy on the eye. Secondly, the organization. It is logical and has a good flow from one idea leading to another. Thirdly, it was organized this way: a short yet comprehensive theoretical explanation on the system followed by pages of DAY to DAY action plan. I told myself: Hmmmm. This is easy to follow. And cheap.

I reached into my pocket and found that I still have US$ 7.00 of my daily spending budget left. Hmmm... :-) This is a good opportunity (cheap and easy to follow) for me to buy it, read it, put it into action and PROVE IT WRONG! Then I can write about it or blog on it. PERFECT! I looked around further on the spread of books on sale. I wanted to finish off my US$ 7.00. After finding another book at bargain price, I went to pay for my purchase with a smirk on my face. Little did I realise, that the petite red paperback was smirking back at me.

More on the contents of the book in my next entry.

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