How to Gain Back Excess Fat By Accident...

Not too long ago, I wrote a five-part post on How to Lose Fat By Accident. In it, I talked about my quest to disprove a weight loss system which backfired. The system actually gave me results despite my almost ten-year trial to find a good way to shed excess flab. I had made up my mind that nothing is worth the effort and turned quite cynical - but this one worked.

At the time of this writing, I gained back some fat - visibly. This gave me an insight on how fast and what one must do to gain that all back. Only this time, I know what I must do do shed it again, if I want to. But I think there is a danger in the lose-gain cycle if one yoyo-ed between losing and gaining continuously - correct me if I'm wrong.

In short, what did I do to gain back the flab? The answer - let down my guard. A week and a half before this, I started to consume a bit more carb and sugar than I did while I was trying to disprove the weight-loss system. Reason: I was too tired to go shopping for groceries and cook. Plus, I was preoccupied with some thinking and making continuous decisions on where and what to eat became a chore. So, I ate whatever I could find, half-trying to avoid what I think was way out of bounds. As mentioned, it is very difficult to find healthful food which is convenient. Then, 3 days ago I sort of let down my guard quite a bit. Just one day. My meal was:

Tea with milk, sweetened with sugar.

Breaded fish fillet burger together with all the usual ingredients (mayonnaise, lettuce etc.), potato fries (i.e. chips, for those in the US) and hot tea sweetened with SUGAR (again).

Fried batter-and-bread-crumb-coated chicken fillet, potato fries and a very popular soda.

After-Dinner Snack
I forgot. It was something healthful but not as healthful as before.

The very next day, I could feel it in my belly. The heaviness again. Not to mention, a slight but visible and obvious return of the bulge. I recognized that because I was like that before. That remained till now and I could see my neck puff up too. The weight-loss book I was trying to disprove did warn about the body's over-reaction if you suddenly get back on a carb-loaded diet. And, I mentioned earlier, there might also be a negative effect if you keep yoyo-ing between gaining and losing excess fat - anyone can verify this?

So, that's it folks. For me, a week and a half of letting down my guard including a day of going overboard is all it takes.

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